Thursday, July 27, 2017

Lyrical: Thanks for the Vitamix

My "bruised hip" feeling is much-diminished this morning. I will bike to work.

Meanwhile...Mrs Blogger received a Vitamix from her family for her birthday. I took the hint. This robbed me of an excuse for not getting enough greens, and introduced me to the world of bitter liquifactional politics.

Most "cancer diet" books agree* on things Vitamixers like: more greens and some berries in moderation (and differ bitterly/hilariously on coffee and fruits and much else).

All diets agree on eliminating grain-based carbs, which I removed from my diet 2 months ago. While I'm not known for my willpower, I'm really good at visualization.  This is how I removed carbs from my diet: When you tear open that snack-size bag of Fritos, and pop the first chip in your mouth, what I see is you pulling the pin on a hand-grenade and biting down on the shank.  Enjoy your meal. You're welcome.

The upshot? I'm out-Vitamixing her about 4 to 1.  Favorite concoctions include:
  • Chard Remains
  • Kale Freezes Over
  • Cilantropy
  • What the Buckwheat**
  • Coconut Milk of Magnesia

*Please promise yourself that you won't send me a regime book that allowed a lady in Germany to live cancer free after the doctors said she was terminal.  She probably did something diametrically opposed to the thing that allowed a guy in Chicago to live cancer free after his doctors said he was terminal (as described in his book), and I have no way of resolving that paradox without hurting your feelings, and would rather save my paradox-resolution for mystical things like the Hypostatic Union, whether evil has objective reality, Relativistic travel, or light's particle/wave dichotomy, all of which I find much more relaxing.

So far, my beloveds have introduced me to at least 4 competing/conflicting diets:

stressing high mineral content (dark leafy greens) & baking soda
"Cancer can't grow if your body is high pH"

foods that deter new blood supply to growing tumors
"Cancer can't grow if your body won't give it new blood supply"

80% of calories from fat
"Cancer likes insulin spikes and serum glucose; can't grow if your body is burning fat (ketosis)"

Hemp in all Forms (leaf, oil, seed, & smoke)
Because, you know, Marijuana
"Cancer, like most things, gets better with Marijuana"

These disagree on a whole lot (mechanisms of cancer, mechanisms of cure), but all agree that red meat is bad and vegetables are good.

**Buckwheat isn't Wheat Wheat, apparently. Just like Sweet Potatoes aren't Potatoes or sweet (to some).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have always found your red pill/blue pill theory to be my guiding light. ; )

Day 1 of Ibrutinib

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