Thursday, July 27, 2017

Medical: Marrow's Cytology was "no lymphoma"

Another tiny win on the series of tests that are "must win" to avoid stem cell treatment:

RESULTS TODAY: Marrow Biopsy Cytology- No Lymphoma (good news)
RESULTS SOON: Marrow Biopsy Cytometry* (hoping for Friday results)
RESULTS SOON: Genetic Tests of Neck Biopsy (forgot this was still "out there")**

This leaves me with the future chain of "must win" tests, where the series will be cancelled if any along the way show cancer:

ENDOSCOPY VISUAL: an inspection of my throat & stomach for any visible lesions on the walls
COLONOSCOPY VISUAL: are there visible lesions on the walls of my intestines?
COLONOSCOPY BIOPSY: assuming polyps (as in Jan '13) do they biopsy benign (as in Jan '13)
PET SCAN: Is it free of hot spots (except neck cancer and liver & brain sugars)

* Recall that cytology is done with dyes and eyes by a human Cytologist and a microscope, while Cytometry is done by marching cells single-file past a laser and counting the scattered light.

** Genetics aren't make or break, unless it is really weird, because I don't recall any things about MCL where genetics make a difference.  The genetics tests began before we even knew it was MCL, and I think genetics were going to matter more if it had been some other kind of cancer.

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