Monday, April 16, 2018

I wrote this to a friend and thought I'd copy it here:

At this point the main "tell" is just that my head hair is 1/4" long, revealing skull lumps that a phrenologist would go nuts over--pretty sure I've got the High Criminality lump. 
I'm down to minor immune precautions (a daily antiviral + antibiotic, plus generally avoiding fungus (no gardening) since they don't really have good antifungal tools compared to the whole world of possible funguses--they can treat thrush and that's about it).  I'll get my "infant" immunization shots next Jan/Feb 
They cleared me to travel by air and I hope to get pool & ocean priviledges by June, though my legs are strangely hairless except--double-strangely--the side of my knees. 
The worst part is the antibiotic which makes my gut work erratically and requires that I not get sun (so, yeah, at the beach, between no sun and no hair, I'll look like a naked mole rat or something 
April 22/23 is the next scan (Monday) and clinic visit (Tuesday) and then I'll probably be moved from the care of Beth Israel back to my neighborhood Harvard Vanguard.

1 comment:

EO said...

Glad you continue to thrive!

Day 1 of Ibrutinib

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