Sunday, March 04, 2018

Yesterday (Saturday) afforded a chance to press further up the under-construction TriCommunities Greenway path, for about a 10-mile round trip in about 1h12m .

Call it  10mi/1.2hr = 8 mi/hr average, which includes things like dismounting at pedestrian crossings and walking alongside flooded sections where the Aberjona River water level was above the path's level.

For comparison, I used to do my on-street commute of 5.5mi in 30 minutes, averaging 11mi/hr including stop lights

For locals: all of the off-street asphalt for the path has been laid, but it lacks seating or bike racks (there are concrete/brick pads but not furnishings), it lacks paint and signage (where it runs on-street), and it lacks final dirt/drainage (though that would not have saved the under-water riverside sections, which we hope will only flood after nor'easters).  A large earth mover blocked the path where it leads to the former railroad tunnel under Interstate 93 (which is going to be very cool).

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