Its been 2 years since my diagnosis, and about 18 months since my stem-cell transplant.
Had I not missed a couple of courses of Rituxan, I'd be nearing the end of my post-transplant infusions.
Yesterday I had a great visit:
1) Neutrophils at 2.5 are normal and total count in the high 3.x is near-normal. So I have plenty of the right kind of white cells
2) Thanks to drinking about 1Liter of water before my blood draws (and taking my antibiotic late the night before). I had no trouble with the kidney function tests-creatinine and Potassium both normal. It did mean I had to go pee about every 15 to 25 minutes, however (before the commuter train, at North Station, as soon as I burst into the Shapiro Clinical Bldg lobby, after checking in on Shapiro 7, after having my vitals taken, and about 4 more times during my visit)
3) They still don't like my Liver numbers--which have always caused them to worry and scan (and cut short my first Ara-C way back when). The numbers have been consistently elevated (and bounce around) for all two years that we've been regularly testing them as part of the "green top" blood draw (the Metabolic Panel). Dr W wants me to see a Liver specialist to see if it has a cause or is just "Normal for Me". Over time, we've done ultrasounds and x-rays looking for liver/abdominal abnormalities and never found anything in the liver.
4) But, Yay! I was approved for a 30 minute injection of Rituximab Hyaluronidase Pronounced: ri-TUX-i-mab hahy-uh-loo-ron-i-deys (brand name: Rituxan Hycela™).
The traditional IV bag of Rituxan, even administered at high speed was nearly 2.5 hours: 1:30 minute drip, which always came with about 20 minutes of IV setup before and 20 minutes of final-pump and cleanup after, and usually came with an IV of steroids before and Benedryl nap in the middle.
Rituxan Hycela, by contrast, is a thick injectable. Only pills as prep (steroid pill, acetominiphan, Pepcid, and Allegra), and then after a wait, a 45 minute cycle:
- Vital signs taken
- 20 minute belly shot (it is thick, so the nurse maintains constant pressure and it makes a little hard blob under the skin. I briefly had 7-pack abs.
- Vital signs taken
- Vital signs taken at :15min later
Since my pulse had slowed to the 50s at the :15 mark, we had me stay and do vitals again at the :25 mark where the pulse had returned to the 60s
I have good heart health, by the way, with a low resting pulse.
5) And I (fairly) easily climbed the very long escalators at Porter Square on the transit trip home. (Didn't attempt the stairs-only climb, but may next time)
FROM HERE (if all goes as well as today)
August: A Liver Visit
September: Labs+Rituxan Hycela (maybe a CAT scan?)
November: Labs+Rituxan Hycela
January: Labs+Rituxan Hycela
March: Labs+Rituxan Hycela
so we'll run a little bit past "2 years of Rituxan" because I fell behind on doses.
June 2020: Shingles Vaccine, TDAP vaccination, Pneumonia vaccination
Fall 2020: Flu vaccination
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
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