Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Bike Roller

I rode my bike today, but did not groom my hair with it.

This was my first ride since, I'm guessing, early October* which was about when the nadirs of the second phase of chemo really made my platelet so low that I risked serious bruising from the bumps of just lifting my bike (which did happen as I heaved the folding bike into the back of the car) and uncontrolled bleeding if I fell or got cut (which did not happen, thank goodness, but could have because my platelets had practically vanished overnight, unbeknownst to me).

Today's ride was 3 miles of mostly flat, mostly calm local streets and parkway.

I wore my skullcap under my bike helmet in lieu of hair.

When I got home, I had a real "post exercise" feeling. Slightly dizzy, slightly tingly.  If I hadn't known what caused it I might have been worried.  As it was, I felt great.

Now, two hours later, my legs have that initial "you over did it" kind of numbness.  I expect tomorrow I'll be sore (and it will be rainy), but I hope to be back on the bike soon and finding more ways to feel that exerted.

*There may have been a furtive ride to the gym on a non-nadir day in October or even one in November, but I didn't write it down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds awesome! After all that rest it must have been a sensory experience.

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