Thursday, December 28, 2017

Next Big Day: Jan 8th

Late next week, I'll start injecting myself with Neupogen to encourage my own stem cell production.  Two shots in the belly per day for 3 days.  Then I'll get a shot Sunday night that encourages the stem cells to emerge into my blood.

Jan 8th is a big day:
7:45a Arrival
Blood test (to see if counts are high enough)
Neupogen shot (if counts are not)
Insertion of a venous line (from clavicle, where 3 valves will dangle, to neck, where the big veins are)
3 hours of donation:
- out one valve
- through a centrifuge
-- heavy red cells get flung to the outside
-- light platelets linger at the center
-- stem cells end up in the middle
-- a probe dropped in middle of centrifuge collects stem cells through a tiny door
- dismissed c. 3pm; might go to movies because..
- call back to hospital 7pm (once the daily catch has been weighed) to get a shot to prepare for Day 2 (if Day 2 is needed, which it likely will be)

Jan 9th would pick up with blood test and donation and might also end with a 'come back tomorrow'
Jan 10th won't probably be needed, but they always schedule 3 days of donation.

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